YSL have brought out a new skincare line and it has a rather impressive new ingredient.

The new ingredient in question is Saffron which only blooms once a year in Morocco, and it’s source, the crocus plant has to then be painstakingly harvested by hand before the sun rises. Why all the effort I hear you say? Well, back in the olden days it was believed to be a source of youth (Cleopatra was apparently a fan) and it was also perceived to be a great ingredient for healing the skin.

There are three products in the range; Or Rouge Cream, Or Rouge Eye Cream and Or Rouge Lotion.

The face cream, Or Rouge, packs the strongest punch of the lot I think. A thick, almost translucent offering, it provides a serious dose of moisture (you can literally feel it working its hydrating magic as soon as it sinks in to the skin) and promises to regenerate the skin and reduce the 11 signs of aging, including dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, redness and discolouration. Quite a lot of claims but at GBP275 a pot and with a rake of positive reviews online, you’d be hard pressed to believe that it won’t do exactly that! Obviously I expect to look 20 years old again in a matter of weeks… 🙂

The anti-aging eye cream makes similarly impressive claims and promises to reduce fine lines, plump the skin and generally smooth and contour the eye area. My favourite of the lot however, is the lotion. It’s incredibly soothing and smells delicious plus I swear it firms the skin gently every time you use it, my skin always feels a little bit tighter.

Or Rouge is available now from all YSL counters in the Middle East and online from Harrods. I plan to use the above products religiously for the next couple of weeks and then I will report back with a detailed review. Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend! 🙂

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