Whistles Roxanne Dress

I wore a sack dress from Whistles and it was good.

And by sack dress, I mean a nice, loose, airy dress with a teeny weeny bit of shape that stops you from looking five sizes bigger than you are. Sack-style dresses should probably play a big part in my wardrobe here because of the weather, but for some reason or another, I’ve kind of ignored them until now.

As soon as I saw this one from Whistles I knew it had to be mine. Knee-length (almost) + loose-fitting with a little bit of shape + v-neck + high quality, light-weight material = my ideal dress. It’s one of those dresses that you can literally fling on any time but it will still make you look ‘put together’. Know what I mean?

So that’s what I wore to brunch at Roberto’s in DIFC yesterday with Laura and the men, plus a pair of Jimmy Choo flats, a Sophie Hulme bag and ASOS sunglasses. A casual, but ‘hey-I-made-a-bit-of-an-effort’ outfit 🙂

Also, let’s ignore the fact that I am deathly pale at present. I think it’s because I dyed my hair darker during the week and any hint of a tan that was there before has now faded. As a result, I need fake tan recommendations please. I’m all out of Cocoa Brown so I’d like to try something new (and preferably non-messy/extremely easy to use as I am cack-handed when it comes to fake tan).

Back to Whistles for a moment, I think this is going to be my go-to brand now that I’m all grown up! I really like the quality of their stuff, particularly the dresses, so I plan to buy lots more pretty soon (this gorgeous zip dress is totally next!).

And lastly, I bought a new vlog camera! I am so excited about this development! So excited in fact that I made a terrible, not-very-exciting vlog today which I plan to upload later. It’s basically me being all excited about my new camera. That’s it. I’m really going to earn myself some new fans there, eh? Haha! 🙂

That’s all for now. Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend 🙂

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