As it’s the weekend and I’ve been basically convalescing for the last two weeks I thought it was high time I treated myself to a manicure at The Nail Spa. And not just any old manicure people, oh no! A shiny new long-lasting manicure that promises to last a whole week longer then my darling, beloved Shellac.

What’s the name of this amazing manicure you say? Bio Sculpture Gel Nails. It works along the same basic premise as Shellac except they reckon this one actually promotes the growth and health of your existing nails, plus they can be easily soaked off unlike Shellac which has to be effectively scraped off (after soaking your fingertips in polish). Thin layers of gel are carefully applied over the nail to protect and seal it thus resulting in a rock hard manicure. After leaving the salon I decided on the following positives; I love the finish – it’s tough, shiny and feels like nothing can touch it, there are over 100 shades to choose from if you want a classic manicure and I love the dinky little pots and brushes the technician used to apply it. The only negatives (so far) are that it took an absolute age to apply and the whole gel aspect reminds me of a rather horrifying experience I had in a super nail bar in Los Angeles in the 90’s which left me with paper thin nails until very recently. Time wise, we’re talking layer upon layer of products, various cups of tea, fine tuning, polite chit chat and all that shizzle. Granted, I did opt for a french nail but still, my patience was running out by the end of the treatment – all in all I was sat there nearly two hours.

If it lasts 3 weeks as it promises to do then I will be absolutely converted from Shellac and will happily settle in for another two hour treatment in 3 weeks time however, if it ruins my nails like my last gel experience I will cry angry hormonal tears and probably use some fragrant language to describe my rage. Only time will tell! Any of you had this done before? Let me know your thoughts!

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