I posted about some of my day-to-day storage options last week and this is a follow-up post to that, except this is all about some of my bigger storage containers. Hence, the super imaginative catchy title. We don’t have IKEA here so I find it difficult to come across big, sleek containers that do exactly what I want them to do and still look pretty.I lucked out on this particular set of drawers however, as I got them cheap from a friend in Bahrain who was leaving and knew they would fit perfectly in one of the cupboards in my makeup room.

The drawers are very deep and wide and stack 6 high, even though you can only see four of them in the first photo. I use these primarily for my own products; anything from skincare back-ups, to products I’ve been sent to try out, to body care and tanning products and basically anything that I don’t use on a daily or weekly basis.

Happily, although the drawers are slightly frosted I can still see exactly what’s in them without having to open them – the main reason for purchase! I’m all about the visuals and honestly, if I couldn’t see what I had I’d never get through anything.

Are any of you using something like this? I’m on the look out for a few more, but I’d like narrower ones that I could slot in the side of this one for smaller cosmetic products, like lippy, blushers and so on.

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