Topshop outfit of the day

I’ve been perving over tube skirts from Topshop for some time, and finally took the plunge last week.

I’ve spotted them on so many people of late and they look so comfortable so I thought, dammit! I’m getting one. I hummed and hawed over various styles online, but finally settled on this one – this particular check print appealed to me as it’s a bit different to the popular tartan ones knocking around. It’s a slinky, stretchy design with an elasticated waist (yay!) that falls below the knee but when I initially tried it on, I was a bit shocked. All I could see for miles was my bum, I thought it looked HUGE, like visible-from-space-huge. But then I realised that I rarely wear tight stuff and the fact that I could actually see my bum is what was shocking to me.

Once I got over this, two things became clear: 1. The skirt is incredibly comfy and 2. It will look great on pretty much any body type (yay curves). This pleased me immensely, so I decided to pay homage to Topshop and their good design and dress head to toe in their stuff. I threw on a new burnout t-shirt, and an old, but much-loved cropped denim jacket (there’s a bleached version of it online here). My white converse were the only shoes I could think of to put with the skirt (any other suggestions?) and my Wang Rockie bag totally didn’t go, but whatever. 🙂

Topshop check tube skirt

Overall, it was a good outfit day*. The comfort level is what really did it for me. And on that note, I’m off to look at more tube skirts. Let me know if you spot any good ones!

*It wasn’t a good hair day however, hence the headless pictures. I may or may not have done a hatchet job on my fringe. Whoops!


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