If someone had said to me when I started this little blog that I’d still be going at it two years later and on this very day would be publishing my 400th post I would have laughed, and probably said something like ‘you cray-cray’ or similar. But look! Here we are! My 400th post and no sign of me stopping there either!

I’ve always loved makeup and beauty with a passion, a good thing obviously as it’s the area I work in for a living (har har!) but this blog really has fed my passion (or addiction, if you will) like no other. It’s become a steady, reassuring part of my life that’s always there for me and I’ve been utterly amazed to see it grow the way it has! As many of you know, stepping into the blogging world initially can be quite daunting, and it certainly was for me – but, I have to say I’ve met some truly amazing, lovely, supportive, like-minded people along the way who I still turn to now for a bit of a whinge, for some advice or just to have a general makeup related gossip with.

Most importantly (and you might want to grab hold of the sick bucket now), it’s the lovely lovely people who read this blog that have made it what it is, and got me to this point; two years in, 400 posts down and still blogging with gusto.

So, I want to say thank you. Thank you very much. Here’s to another two years, and another 400 posts!


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