Topshop Jardin Supersoft Sweat

It’s not really sweater weather here, but for the purposes of this post we’ll ignore that as I want to rave about the latest addition to my wardrobe 🙂

I spotted it on Topshop when I was browsing a couple of weeks ago. I wasn’t really in the market for a sweater but when I saw it I knew it would be mine. I’m a bit of a sucker for sweaters and I particularly like Topshop’s offerings, like this pink one I got back in February.

The thing about these sweaters is, they’re super soft. Like, incredibly soft and they fall at just the right point – just below the hips. I don’t like sweaters that are too long and I don’t particularly like cropped ones either. Mid range is where it’s at people. They also fit really nicely – not too fitted but not too baggy either. Am I literally describing the most perfect sweater ever? Yes, I think I am 🙂

Obviously, it’s a bit sweaty in Dubai but inside that’s not really the case thanks to the bloody AC. As a result, these snug sweaters come in quite handy and they’re not too hard on the wallet either at GBP24.

Have you made any online purchases lately that you love? I’m awaiting a much-anticipated ASOS order as we speak… woohoo!

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