Even the name is delicious, Revlon ColourBurst Lip Butters. These have been out for a while now in the EU, still no sign of them here but no surprise there. The sound and idea behind them intrigued me from the get go. Lipstick that’s also kind of a lip balm. I love lip balm but don’t reach for it enough as it’s more often then not quite boring with no colour payoff and I love lipstick of course, but don’t reach for it every day as I sometimes find it a bit drying. So really, these couldn’t be more perfect right? Let’s have a look at some pictures first.
After using them for a few weeks now (Sweet Tart above left got major usage even before I thought of photographing it) I can safely say they are truly and utterly fabulous. Yeah, I know there have been some mixed reviews going around but they totally float my boat. The colours are amazing (these three being my fave) the payoff is very good, the texture is balmy, moisturising and surprisingly glossy and I love the packaging. Any negatives? Unfortunately yes, and it’s a big one sadly; the price. I’m surprised at Revlon really for pricing them at 8GBP/12E. Very steep in my opinion for what is effectively a drugstore brand. Will this stop people buying them though? I don’t think so, especially if you can scoop them up 3 for 2 in Boots like I did.
Are any of you using them right now? And if not, has the price put you off?