OOTD and veganism

This was a good outfit day. I felt comfortable and perfectly dressed for Dubai weather which at the moment is warm with a little bit of sweat thrown in for good measure.

I wore some of my new favourite things, which included these ASOS jeans (brilliant fit on the legs but a little loose around the waist), my favourite silver pointy shoes of all time (also from ASOS and still on sale) and my new glaringly bright DKNY tote which was a massive bargain from THE OUTNET. My grey ASOS boucle blazer also came out to play along with a deliciously comfortable plain grey Brandy Melville tee that Laura bought for me in the UK.

The tee is really exceptional I have to say. Slouchy and so comfortable but fitted around the arms and boobage which is essential. It’s also mega high quality material so I didn’t feel like a slob wearing it.

DKNY textured leather tote

I also straightened my hair for the first time in god knows how long and I was majah pleased with the results. I forgot how sleek a good pair of straighteners can make your hurr look.

Now, on to other matters.
As many of you know, I have been incredibly annoying of late and posting pictures of more food and drink than usual on my instagram account. The reason? I decided to go vegan approximately one month ago and have been experimenting with various juices, salads and so on ever since.

One month in, I can safely say I will never go back to eating how I used to because I feel bloody sensational! My energy levels are crazy. I used to feel sluggish and knackered all the time but now I have energy to burn. The food I’m eating really satisfies me and I never feel bloated or uncomfortable after a meal anymore. I’ve also lost 9lbs.

So what do I eat you may ask? Fruit and veg smoothies, oatmeal, quinoa and leafy green salads, bean burgers and bean salads, roasted sweet potato dishes and lots more. Most of the dishes I whip up come from Deliciously Ella, who is like, my idol.

This is one of the smoothies I adapted from her blog and have most mornings; blackberries, strawberries, banana, flax and chia seed topped with goji berries.

Vegan breakfas smoothie

And that’s it really. I’m not going to start posting recipes and other vegan craic on my blog because there’s enough of them around and I’d probably annoy myself in the process 🙂

If you have any questions about this shiz then let me know. Otherwise, normal beauty-related waffling will resume tomorrow! 🙂

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