This was an impulse buy and a damn good one, if I do say so myself. I don’t know what it is about Zara in Mall of the Emirates (the branch I frequent the most) – but there is only ever one necklace of each style left and there is always another woman going for it the same time as me. I was successful on this occasion thankfully – she got distracted by something near the stand so I seized my opportunity!
It looks heavy in the picture and it is. It’s also a solid form in that only the join between the gold and silver bit at the front moves, the rest of it doesn’t. Luckily there is enough length in the chain and clasp at the back that you don’t end up decapitating yourself when wearing it. I’ve been pairing it with battered Topshop t-shirts in the daytime and throwing it on with the odd little red dress at night-time, to much acclaim (the husband).
If I recall correctly, it was around the Dhs125 mark in the sale – although I could be wrong. Thoughts? Are you a fan of chunky neck bling?