And so it came to pass that another MAC Collection hit the shelves. The shelves in question are those in middle eastern branches of MAC and the collection in particular is Metal X. As per usual the collection was supposed to arrive on our sandy shores way back in December but alas, it only made it safely here this week.
As usual, I salivated when I saw these BUT, I did not purchase anything! I’d like you all to be proud of me for that fact and think about how far I’ve come but the sad truth is they don’t go on sale until tomorrow and I couldn’t actually purchase them, even if I wanted to (which I did. I know, I’m pathetic). The pigmentation in these beauties is just delicious; smooth, creamy and highly metallic. There are 9 shades in total (bizarrely, only 7 of them made it to Bahrain) and really, there is something to suit everyone. Gorgeous golds and oranges, silver, deep green, dirty grey and so on. Three shades in particular caught my eye which you can check out below, swatches and all!
Apologies for the crap photos, they were taken on my iphone and the light in the store was supremely harsh. The above three have really got my heart pounding a little bit faster so only time will tell as to whether I can hold it together and not splash the cash. Any of you got your hands on these yet? FYI for those of you in Bahrain/UAE, these will retail for 12BD/97AED.