Following on from their original best selling version, Garnier have tried to double their good luck by releasing a new tinted version. Having been a fan of the first one and it’s anti-puffiness abilities I was excited to try this. As with a lot of their skin products of late, including the now infamous BB Cream, only two shades are on offer – light and medium.

I was disappointed to note that light is not light at all but quite a medium toned shade, far too dark for my skin. No amount of blending or tapping into the skin will make this look right. I never understand why brands think two shades are sufficient to work for the whole female population, it’s quite ridiculous – especially when they put a phrase like “instant fairness” on the packaging. On top of this, the formula isn’t as good as the first one. It’s harder to work with and is much less gel-like, thus getting rid of it’s anti-puffing abilities. Here’s some pictures below:

Hugely disappointed by this product, but maybe it will work for the small number of us whose skin type completely match the two shades on offer. Anyone else tried it?

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