So basically I’ve been shopping.

I’ve been shopping hard, in fact. My justification for this is that I have no time – which is honestly true. Starting your own business sounds great in theory but in reality it means very little time to go shopping. Of course, I’m not complaining – because there’s always ASOS.

On the subject of ASOS, I feel like I’m growing out of it. I’m in that awkward not-twenties-and-in-denial-about-being-30 stage. Browsing the site makes me feel old/fat/cheap. Everything is either too short, too tight or looks like it’s made of scratchy cheap material. Am I the only one who feels like this?

The irony of this whinge-fest is of course that I splurged something ridiculous on ASOS last week. In my defense, it was mostly shoes. So that makes it OK…

I bought the blue suede heels above which frankly, I’m delighted with – pointy toe, medium heel and did I mention that they’re blue suede? I also bought these silver flats and er, a navy midi dress. The latter is actually far lovelier real life – very soft material but with a nice bit of structure around the waist and boobies.

So that’s the shopping out of the way.

Now, on to You Tube. Yes, I am a terrible terrible You Tube person. I really do try to vlog when I’m out and about but I feel like it will just be repeat clips of Laura and I eating/drinking/laughing and/or me in my bedroom talking about makeup. Riveting stuff.

In lieu of this, I have decided to talk about vloggers I’m enjoying at the moment:

HRH. Her vlogs are such a guilty pleasure. I find myself laughing out loud watching them. Laura and I will actually WhatsApp the other in the event a new vlog has been uploaded. And sometimes we even make a night out of watching them, with wine and everything – HA!

Amelia Liana. I know, we all know Amelia. But I have to shout her out because I just love her vlogs. I find them oddly therapeutic and regularly leave them on in the background when I’m getting ready in the mornings.

And a brand new one (to me)!

Pretty Shiny Sparkly. This is another one that Laura introduced me to (just last night in fact – I have been obsessively watching her vlogs for the last few hours!). She’s from Houston, she’s an anesthetist and she loves makeup/clothes/dogs.  Totally normal, right? She’s very relaxed, easy to listen to and her dog is ridiculously cute. I demand that you subscribe to her immediately! 🙂

And that’s it really. Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately – I’m trying to get back on track now 🙂

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