As a huge fan of Bio-Oil (hello amazing skin), I love anything that they do, so when I heard about their latest campaign I thought it would be a nice thing to share with all of you. The idea of the campaign is to help women just like me and you, banish body confidence issues and help raise money for the British Skin Foundation in the process.

A recent survey found that 1 in 3 of us feel embarrassed, ashamed or worried about having scars or stretchmarks, and discovered it even effects what clothes we decide to wear. To try and change this and promote positive body image for all women, Bio-Oil started a campaign called Skin Stories to celebrate how every scar and stretch mark tells a story.

It’s main aim is to encourage women to celebrate their skin’s individuality by uploading their Skin Story as inspiration to other women, to empower them to think and feel more positively about their own skin. For every story shared, Bio-Oil will donate £1 to the British Skin Foundation to help fund research into skin health.

If you have a skin story you would like to share head on over to their page now, and let this amazing positive skin revolution begin!

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