I’ve been sporting a rather large bouffant of late thanks to a bunch of new and not so new products. If you’ve been reading my blog for some time you’ll know that my quest for huge hair is never ending. I’ve doused it in more funky smelling products than I’d like to admit…

Lately however, massive mop action has been happening. It has come about as a result of extra time in the morning to get ready, rediscovering the amazingness that is the Babyliss curling wand and using the products in the pic above. This is how it goes down: 1. John Frieda Volume Blow Dry Lotion gets spritzed on the roots and combed in 2. I roughly blowdry my hair with my head tipped upside down 3. I twist a couple of strands around the curling wand and then 4. finish off with a generous spritz of Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray and scrunch it in with my fingers. Et voila! Massive hair.

That’s my freshly washed hair routine. There is also the 2-3 day old hair routine which involves spraying Davines Dry Cleansing Mist onto the roots and working it in. This product is new and has literally blown my mind. The formula is amazing; non-powdery with a delicious scent. It leaves no grey residue and it volumises and perks up your mop like no ones business. If they had a mini version of this I would carry it around in my handbag – that’s how good it is. And it’s only Dhs90. Bargain!

So there we are, massive hair routine revealed! What volumising products do you use? Let me know in the comments. I’m always on the lookout for a new one that will change my life 🙂

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