Red hurr

So I was back in the hair salon again recently as it was time for another change! My fabulous hairstylist; Anthony from Pastels Salon, persuaded me to embrace a new look as the ombre was getting a little bit old. He suggested moving towards a rich copper/red-ish shade as he felt it would lift my skin tone and make my eyes pop!

Initially, I was teeny bit worried that it might look weird on me, but there is no denying Anthony has some serious hair skillz so I soon got over that! He applied a warm red base colour on the ends of my hair first to block out the ombre and this was left on for about half an hour. Then my hair was washed, conditioned and we sat down and decided on the type of colour we wanted. We chose two shades; a deep, copper brown and a brighter fiery red shade so there would be a nice balance of bright and dark. These were mixed together and then Anthony carefully applied it all over my barnet. It was left on for thirty-five minutes and then my hair was washed and conditioned twice – when I saw the shade come out as it was being blow dried I was so thrilled!

In all my years of colouring my hair and doing mad things to it, it has never been this kind of shade. I really feel like it takes the edge of my extreme paleness and warms my skin up. Also, it goes without saying that my hair looks way healthier now that the ombre is gone… hurrah! If you’d like to see me waffling on about my new hair and some other things, you can check out my latest You Tube video here.

So what do you think? Have I inspired you to try red on for a change?


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