Shall I dedicate an entire blog post to a wrap dress?
The lovely Nessa from Dreaming Always recently moved to Dubai, and two weekends ago she organised a Mama Meet Up at The Jetty Lounge.
Look how happy we are. No sign of the mad panic/3247 WhatsApps about outfit options 🙂
I spent a panicked couple of days browsing ASOS, and coupled with a recommendation from Tanya Burr; I ended up falling in love with a gorgeous Millie Mackintosh dress.
I was a little bit concerned about how short it would actually be, as I ordered one of her playsuits before and it barely covered my tush – but thankfully the length on this was perfect.
As you can see from the pics, it’s about mid-thigh. Acceptable 😉
At the meetup, Nessa, Helen, Irene, Kaya and I posed like our lives depended on it, while the lovely Claire Stafford snapped some pics.
We then cleared The Jetty out of Margaritas and Gin.
A good time was had by all. And this was only the first round 🙂
Nessa wrote a lovely blog post all about the meetup, and I highly recommend a read.
It’s never easy packing up your whole family and moving to a new country but Nessa makes it look like a breeze.
Until next time 🙂